Miscellaneous Articles

Miscellaneous Articles

  • Configure shortcut of cloud:

We will provide RDP, a shortcut from where user can directly login his/her TALLY.

  • Cloud Power User-Multiple Tabs of TALLY:

Cloud Power User enables the user to open multiple tally at a time. This is an add on feature.

  • Settings not getting saved in TALLY:

To save settings in Tally, all users should be logged out. Otherwise setting will be saved as default. Also keep in mind that for saving settings, you shall set it from F12 > Configurations.

  • Printing Issues:

Always use “Universal Printer” in select printers' option in Tally.

  • Auto Logout from Cloud Session:

If any cloud account is already logged in, then if you login it again, it will auto logout.

  • Unable to load Cloud Login Page:

User's IP is blocked. This happens when multiple times, incorrect password is entered. Solution: Restart your Router and IP will be Changed. Or else you can provide IP to our support team and we will remove it from blacklisted list.

  • Session Out:

Inactive system for 20 min will be Logged out automatically from cloud.

  • Error while uploading Tally data

Only Tally data folder is allowed to be uploaded (10001,10002 folders). You will not be able to upload backup files, or zip files, or any other file. This is to ensure security.

Last updated